R-Service (512-513-514)

Suite of remote services.

Protocol Information

R-Services is a suite of hosted services to enable remote access or send commands between Unix hosts over TCP/IP. Just like telnet, r-services transmits without any encryption. It also has inherent problems regarding access control for these protocols. R-services are accessible only through a set of programs known as r-commands.

The R-commands suite consists of several programs: - rcp (remote copy) - rexec (remote execution) - rlogin (remote login) - rsh (remote shell) - rwho (remote who) - rstat - ruptime


The most interesting are:

512 TCP

Deamon rexecd, (rexec)

513 TCP

Deamon rlogind (rlogin)

514 TCP

Deamon rshd (rcp, rsh)

Config File

  • /etc/hosts.equiv : It contains a list of trusted hosts and is used to grant access to other systems on the network. When users on one of these hosts attempt to access the system, they are automatically granted access without further authentication.

    The hosts.equiv file is recognized as the global configuration for all users on a system, while .rhosts provides a configuration for each user.


Examples of commands:

frlogin <IP> -l <USER>
rusers -al <IP>

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