Perform vulnerability scanning and exploit research.
Vulnerability Scanner
Vulnerability scanner very powerful.
Runs on port 8834
Nessus has two parts (both can be on the same machine):
Client to configure the scan.
Server to perform the scan and send the results to the client.
Vulnerability scanner open-source and free.
Runs on port 8080
Like nessus, OpenVAS also has two parts (both can be on the same machine):
Client to configure the scan.
Server to perform the scan and send the results to the client.
Tools & Other
nmap --script-updatedb
nmap --script--help <SCRIPT>
nmap --script "<SCRIPT or TYPE>" <IP>
Server Web Scanner.
nikto -h -o <OUTPUT.html> -Format html
WordPress Security Scanner.
wpscan --url <URL> --random-user-agent -o <OUTPUT> --enumerate p --plugins-detection aggressive --api-token <API_KEY>
Research Exploit
Very important to analyze the exploits found very carefully, they could be harmful!
Exploit-db database locally and offline.
searchsploit -u
searchsploit <STRING>
(get ID)
searchsploit -w <STRING>
(get LINK)
searchsploit -x <ID>
(see l'exploit)
searchsploit -m <ID>
(Copy exploit + info)
Last updated