Public Wordlists and Wordlist Generation.
Public Wordlists
Default Credentials
Default credentials collected from multiple sources.
creds update
creds search <STRING> [export]
Wordlist Generation
crunch <MIN> <MAX> <CHARSET> [-t <PATTERN> -o <OUTPUT>]
for all uppercase letters
for all lowercase letters
for all numeric characters
for all special characters
Wordlists based on the content of websites.
cewl http://<IP> -w <OUTPUT> -d <DEEP> -m <MIN> -x <MAX> --with-numbers --lowercase
Wordlists based on the profiling of a user.
cupp -i
A powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder.
pydictor -sedb
Tool for generating possible usernames.
username-anarchy <NAME>
username-anarchy -i <FILE_NAMES>
Performs various manipulations on a wordlist.
rsmangler.rb -f <WORDLIST>
Apply rules to a wordlist
hashcat -r <RULE_FILE> --stdout <WORDLIST>
Searching for sensitive information via data breach
Filtering wordlist
It is very important to generate and use a wordlists that meets the password requirements and policy.
Infer Policy
You can infer the password complexity policy in use on the target in the following ways:
Using the
user registration form
policy is provided on first error
, and ifpolicy is provided after n attempts
.guess policy by trial and error
, i.e., start with complex and appropriate password and then remove components to see if they are needed.
Filter Wordlist
To filter the wordlist you can use grep
grep [-v] '[[:classname:]]' <WORDLIST>
Based on what they contain.
(NOT contain)
grep -x '.\{<LEN>\}’
Of exact length <LEN>
grep -E '^.{<MIN>,<MAX>}$'
Of length between <MIN> and <MAX>
grep -E '^.{6,}$' <WORDLIST> | grep -E '[A-Z]' | grep -E '[a-z]' | grep -E '[0-9]' | grep -E '([!@#$%^&*].*){2,}' > <OUTPUT_FILE>
Edit Wordlist
Or edit the wordlist with sed
sed -ri '/^.{,7}$/d' <WORDLIST>
Remove shorter than 8
sed -ri '/[!-/:-@\[-`\{-~]+/!d' <WORDLIST>
Remove no special chars
sed -ri '/[0-9]+/!d' <WORDLIST>
Remove no numbers
sed -ri '/[A-Z]/!d' <WORDLIST>
Remove no uppercase
sed -ri '/[a-z]/!d' <WORDLIST>
Remove no lowercase
sed -r '/^.{,7}$/d' <WORDLIST> | sed -r '/[!-/:-@\[-`\{-~]+/!d' | sed -r '/[0-9]+/!d' >> <OUTPUT>
Last updated